Saturday, January 29, 2011

Les Cinocks (Pilot episode-English subs) "The Hurt Locker" by Kathryn Bigelow

Amis cinéphiles, "les Cinocks" sont là pour vous réjouir. Un premier pilote est en ligne. Les filles y parlent plutôt bien de "Démineurs" de Kathryn Bigelow. Vos remarques, idées et coup de pouce sont les bienvenus.
Two french girls speak about "The Hurt Locker" from Kathryn Bigelow.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

BoinBoing about Pirating The Oscars 2011

Andy Baio has continued his excellent annual series, "Pirating the Oscars," which tracks each year's Oscar nominee's appearance on file-sharing networks, and keeps statistics on the method by which each nominee is captured and uploaded (camcordered, ripped from screener/pre-release cut, ripped from commercial DVD, etc). Because Andy does these stats on an annual basis, we get a longitudinal view into the way that file-sharing is changing in response to the studios' countermeasures, and in response to new technologies in general. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Un film de vacances" de Remy Dal Molin

un film de vacances from mahalia on Vimeo.

Remy Dal Molin est scénariste et réalisateur. Il a réalisé cette année un court métrage "Un film de vacances". Un des films les plus drôle et intelligent du moment. En compétition dans la catégorie "Film jamais diffusé", sur le site
Votez pour lui !